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Step Out and Grow- Your Biz

Writer's picture: angieoc1234angieoc1234

It's not easy to become an entrepreneur. We are putting ourselves out there in a community that expects us to show up in a certain way because we have always shown up that way before: who we've always been to them.

So when we want more for ourselves, and want more for our family, people get taken a back because we are growing and changing. People feel we are growing and changing away from them. And that might be true, but that's ok! Here's why...

Imagine a shark in a fish tank. A shark in a fish tank can only grow to the size of it's environment. But a shark in the ocean it becomes a ginormous, gorgeous creature in the world. And the same is true for you!

If you surround yourself with small minded people your dreams & goals are going to be small, you may complacent, and you may not every have dreams or goals at all.

If you change your environment and you start surrounding yourself with people who support your big dreams & goals, cheer you on and encourage you, you are going to see so much growth in making those simple changes.

The thing people may not realize is they are more than welcome to join us on this journey! It might not be through the business we are so passionate about. It could be through making their own goals and having our support, choosing personal development in books or podcasts, writing down affirmations & gratitude. Or maybe they find something they are passionate about that we can support them in as well.

I started entrepreneurship 6 years ago and this quote stuck out at me: You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. I took a hard look at my circle when I heard that. I started to connect with people who were supportive, positive, and uplifting. I started to hang out with my old "friends" a little less because I wanted to be around those people who were supportive and uplifting and had huge dreams.

Leaving the circle and finding a new circle seems to scary: to not have that comfort and community you've always been a part of.

What do you want more?

Are you willing to get a little bit uncomfortable at first, for something better for you and your family?

It is a little bit uncomfortable stepping out of your comfort zone. (watch the video of me stepping out of MY comfort zone!) Even though it's uncomfortable I show up because I think it matters that you hear this. I recognize it's not easy, but you can do it and it's worth it.

I can promise you THREE THINGS:

  1. Other people's opinions don't pay your bills, and they don't dictate your worth.

  2. Other people's opinions of you are none of your business.

  3. Separating yourself from other people who are toxic, negative, complacent, is not because your don't like them, its because you LOVE yourself.

Write these down babes!


Go to Facebook and unfollow any toxic, negative, unsupportive people. You don't have to delete them, but it is an option.

Do the same on Instagram, unfollow any negative accounts.

You are what you consume, your MINDSET is what you consume. If you're constantly seeing negating, your mindset with default to negative. If you're pouring positivity into yourself, your mind is being consumed with positive vibes, and that is the vibe you are going to create and give off yourself.

If someone is showing up on your social media posts, don't hesitate to hit that unfollow button! You don't need them, I promise you. When you make room for more, you get more. Make room for those positive and supportive people in your life. If you don't make room for them, they won't come. If you don't ask for it, they're not going to show up.

If you need a hype girl, my inbox is always open! Need a boost in motivation or positivity poured into your social media, come follow me on Instagram and send me a DM -->

Message me and tell me how you are showing up for your biz this week and stepping out of your comfort zone to grow! I will give you a shout out in my stories and drive some eyes to your account.

(This is the point in the video my 6 year old daughter calls me out hahaa)

Do you have a team? Send this post to them! When your team succeed, so do you! I love watching women in business, female entrepreneurs, crush their business and utilizing social media is going to help grow your business exponentially.

If are looking for help with your social media content and standing out on social media or see your business grow through the use of social media, be sure to send me a message so we can book your business & social media coaching session.

There are a lot of other women in the same industry as you, and I am going to help you build your personal brand and create content that resonates with your ideal audience and converts customers.

I look forward to meeting with you and watching you grow! Let's get started.

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